5 Great Browser Apps for Making Music

Online Music Production with Beat Making Software

Pop music has always been driven by a strong rhythmic feel. People gotta dance! However, heavy rhythm does not need to only be associated with pop music – it is indeed prevalent in most forms of music.

In the early days of beat production, sounds were sampled from a plethora of sources. They were cut together on tape to form the rhythm. After this, hardware sequencers with MIDI functionality came into play. Today, a combination of these old school techniques are used, in addition to the latest software.

In fact, it is quiet easy to make beats entirely in the box (using only software). Most of the popular digital audio workstations today – ProTools, Logic, Cubase, Garageband – all have the capability to work with MIDI (a protocol that allows electronic music instruments, computers, samplers, etc to communicate with each other). In addition, there is an abundance of dedicated beat making software available. Some popular names are Reason and Fruity Loops. Through use of virtual instruments, samplers, signal processors, and mixers, there is essentially an unlimited variety of sounds that can be produced with beat making software.

It is interesting to note that in many pop music cases, the artist is not the one coming up with the “beat”. Usually someone else is hired on, or the producer creates the beats. This is a fairly new and unique niche. People who are good at producing these beats make a lot of money. If you are interested in producing music, especially in the hip hop and pop genres, then being able to work with beat making software is vital – this will make you an extreme asset in the studio.

If you are just getting started with this, or if you are looking for some fun, there are many ways to make beats online. Here are just a few options:

(Click images for link to site)

1. ToneMatrix

  • a simple sinewave synth with a 16 step sequencer.

2. Audiotool

  • this is definitely one of the most advanced browser based workstations. Although it takes some time to learn, the interface is great and produces quality results. A fast internet connection is a must!

3. Loop Labs

  • many different virtual “studios”, each optimized for creating a different type of music. Fairly intuitive and lots of fun, but also requires a good internet connection.

4. Ball Droppings

  • not a traditional sequencer by any means, but fun to play with none the less. I have created some really cool rhythmic and ambient sounds using this tool.

5. Sheep Beats

  • again, just for fun. Guide a band of sheep to pop music nirvana!

Feel free to post any others you know. Hope you enjoy these online goodies!

One thought on “5 Great Browser Apps for Making Music”

  1. Yo those are some cool apps homie. I will have to incorporate this manner of electro funkery into my rymes.

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